Friday, November 28, 2014

Svalarheima Nisses and ORC Troop painting (Part 1)

This took a while and I'm still not done. Doing other stuff not related to the hobby.

I'm painting the ORC troop and the Svalarheima Nisses (Not sure if that was plural or just the name).

I  started with the usual white basecoat primer. Then added a grey wash to see the lines.
Then filled in the blue parts. And also tested the eyes with red for the ORC and green for the Nisses.

Here's the Nisses with the grey wash still visible on some parts. I've also started painting the insides of the trench coat and used blue for the armour.

For  the ORC troop, I used grey for the visible joints under the blue armor. Then a yellow mixed with orange for the canister looking part in the gun:


Then, keep adding the blues and the greys to get a solid color.
I then added a black wash over the figure to show shadows and weathering. The wash was a bit excessive on the left torso as shown on the picture. This will then be further retouched as soon as what the final color for the coat will be:


Same goes for the ORC Troop. Kept on adding blue and grey to make a solid color, then added a black wash for weathering. Some of the details were filled in by the base color. This will be later retouched with a white basecoat and the final color.

Paints used are as follows from Master Series Paint.
  • True Blue 09017 - For most of the body armour and details.
  • Cloudy Grey 09089 - Used as wash before painting and for the Nisses helmet, pants, joints of both pieces and base coat for the guns and some details on the backpacks of both.
  • Blood Red 09003 - Used on the helmet "eyes" of the ORC Troop and rifle reticle.
  • Pale Green 09012 - For the helmet "eyes" of the nisses.
  • Blood Red and Sun Yellow 09008 - mixed to make an orange color for the ORC Troop rifle canister looking part.
  • Aged Bone 09059 and Pure White 09039 - mixed the colors for the outside wash of the Nisses trench coat.
  •  Sun Yellow 09008 and Muddy Brown 09028 - mixed the colors for the inside of the coat.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Infinity's Operation : Icestorm armies

As anyone who is into miniature wargaming and Infinity knows. Operation Ice Storm has been released months ago and a lot of people bought it. The store I frequent says that it was sold out of its in-stock inventory. And, this was just a week after delivery! I was glad that I reserved a copy before it sold out or I won't be able to build up my own armies and would watch in the sidelines.

So, what is in Infinity Operation:Icestorm (OIS)?
OIS as stated by Corvus Belli "...contains two totally new and re-sculpted Starter Packs of two different factions: PanOceania and Nomads. It also includes two exclusive miniatures, one per faction, only available in this Battle Pack, for a total amount of 14 highly detailed metal miniatures!"

The difference aside from the resculpt is that they changed the colors from a bluish-grey to blue uniforms in the artwork. This allowed them to be more visible in the grey gaming mat included. Assuming that you painted the models as shown in the box, which I did, for lack of imagination.

And if you pre-ordered or lucky that your store reserved those in advance, you'll get an additional civ miniature.

As of this writing (8-Nov-2014), the army builder still hasn't included the new troops with the kit. So, I made the list to be used as a starting block for army building. The army builder website can be found here:

The army load-out are as follows:
3 Fusiliers
1 Svalarheima Nisses
1 ORC Troop
1 Akalis Sikh Commande
1 Military Order Father-Knight

3 Alguaciles
1 Grenzer, Grenz Security Team
1 Mobile Brigada
1 Spektr
1 Reverend Healer

The assignment of lieutenant is as based on what's found in the included rulebook as a suggestion.

Format of the lists are:
[export/import code]
Stats: ITS or Non-ITS | Support Weapon Cost | Points total


First is the PanOceania troops:

ITS | 1.5 SWC | 134 Pts

- ORC Lt.
- Without the Father Knight

ITS | 1.5 SWC | 176 pts

- Replaced Father Knight (43 pts) with Teutonic Knight (-1 points to Father Knight)

ITS | 0.0 SWC | 106 Pts

- Mobile Brigada Lt.
- Without Grenzer and Reverend Healer
ITS | 3.0 SWC | 171 Pts

- Added Securitate to proxy Grenzer (+1 diff) and Sin-eater (-1 diff)

Coming soon

My painting of the Aleph Starter Pack.
I also bought the Operation: Icestorm starter box.